

  题  目:A Unified Primal-Dual Algorithm Framework for Inequality Constrained Problems

  报 告 人:文再文 教授


  报告地点:线上腾讯会议号 917 570 504




  In this talk, we propose a unified primal-dual algorithm framework based on the augmented Lagrangian function for composite convex problems with conic inequality constraints. The new framework is highly versatile. First, it not only covers many existing algorithms such as PDHG, Chambolle-Pock (CP), GDA, OGDA and linearized ALM, but also guides us to design a new efficient algorithm called Simi-OGDA (SOGDA). Second, it enables us to study the role of the augmented penalty term in the convergence analysis. Under properly designed step sizes and penalty term, our unified framework preserves the O(1/N) ergodic convergence while not requiring any prior knowledge about the magnitude of the optimal Lagrangian multiplier. Numerical experiments on linear programming, L1 minimization problem, and multi-block basis pursuit problem demonstrate the efficiency of our methods.
