

  题  目:How to detect the deflection angle on a gravitational lens in a Finsler Universe

  时  间:2023年7月14日11:00-13:00  

  地  点:基础实验楼 509

  报 告 人:沈斌  副教授


  沈斌,东南大学数学学院副教授,主要研究方向为Finsler几何背景下的几何分析和物理问题。主持国家青年基金一项,省级科研项目一项,参与面上项目一项,发表SCI论文十余篇,论文主要发表在CAN MATH BULL,JMAA,Ann Phys等期刊上。


  The gravitational deflection of light is a common effect for the massive objects in galactic astronomy. Recently, several universal models with Finsler background were introduced to solve the abnormal phenomena. In this talk, we consider the deflection of gravitational lens in a general Finsler space. Firstly, with the assistance of the Landsberg angle, we introduce four definitions of the deflection angle, which are not equal mutually in general case.  Secondly, we introduce an important concept called asymptotically symmetric Minkowskian flat (ASMF) manifold, on which we define the global normal deflection angle (GNDA) as well as the global tangent deflection angle (GTDA). Lastly, we present an integral expression of the GNDA on an ASMF manifold. This result suggests to us that the non-Riemannian Finsler quantities may contain the information of dark matter.

